Thursday, October 31, 2019

Throughout the Pacific islands, settler societies became increasingly Essay

Throughout the Pacific islands, settler societies became increasingly concerned with issues of race and gender. Do you agree or disagree Justify your answer - Essay Example Before long, France, the United States, Germany, and Britain had claims to one or several of the Pacific islands. Prior to the arrival of these explorers and settlers, the indigenous inhabitants of the islands had their rudimentary forms of culture and governance. It was far from similar to the colonial ways, but it was sufficient to maintain their society in relatively peaceful coexistence with their fellow islanders. Early foreign contact with native inhabitants of the islands was with beachcombers. They had cordial and friendly relations with each other. Other explorers who later made contact with the natives had a different perception of the natives. They saw them as an uncivilized, unlearned, and un-Christianized group of savages. They were determined to change the culture of the indigenous inhabitants. They wanted to teach them the right ways, which was--their way-the European way. The arrival of the settler communities in the Pacific marked the slow and gradual breakdown of the ancient ways and customs of the unique Pacific inhabitants. These settlers represented to the natives the loss of their rich land and resources, the loss of their population to diseases brought by the new settlers and the introduction of the white frontier woman. This essay discusses the Pacific island history focusing on the events of 19th Century colonialism which marked the arrival of the settler societies in the Pacific, the influence that these settlers had on the Pacific natives, and the eventual reactions of the natives to the settler communities. J.B. Thurston wrote that ‘with all our highfalutin to the contrary, the wrongs we have committed in the names of Christianity, civilization, [and] progress are manifold. We are ... a race of robbers and spoilers.’ 1 The arrival of the settler societies in the Pacific islands brought with it racial and ethnic tension. The cultures of these two societies were so diverse from each other that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Messaging Apps Accusation Via Wireless Connection P.1 Essay

Messaging Apps Accusation Via Wireless Connection P.1 - Essay Example is report describes a network forensics experiment in which messaging application app behavior is monitored between two devices on the same network; with something that experts call a â€Å"sniffer† placed in the network to capture the traffic. Next, the analysis process will be applied to display information about these interaction that occurred between the two devices and the apps. Criminals spend a great deal of time crafting their approaches and developing new techniques to hide their identities. Cyber attacks can involve a large number of hosts; requiring intelligent forensic analysts to reveal the evidence and to link this evidence together (Wang, 2010). The investigator must work with specialized devices such as routers, firewall, IPS and IDS on the network; as well as dealing with a great deal of data to come up with evidence that is reliable, consistent, not misleading, or tampered with to make the case stronger when presented to the court. Moreover network forensics deal with live systems so it will be a challenge, the live analysis must happen close to the same time as the crime (Baggili & Marrington, 2013). As Internet usage by individuals and companies increases every day, cyber crime is increasing dramatically. As such, researchers have focused on examining and creating new tools and methods to acquire the data from any digital device format (Ponec, Giura, Brà ¶nnimann, & Wein, 2007). Social networking is one of the biggest and fastest growing fields because of the popularity of usage among the people. Social networking allows people to communicate in a fast and enjoyable way. According to a recent survey, the United Arab Emirates ranked first in the world in smart phone usage; with 77% of people using their smart phones for multimedia and 70% for social networks (McNabb, 2013). There are several approaches for network forensics analysis; depending on the type of case the investigator is handling. It can be summarized in two categories: identify

Sunday, October 27, 2019

16 And Pregnant | Analysis

16 And Pregnant | Analysis Imagine youre a parent of a 16 year old daughter and one day she comes to you and tells you she is pregnant. How would you react? How would you handle this situation? If you were able to go back in time before this all happened, how would you try to prevent it? Would you ever consider making your daughter watch the hit show on MTV called 16 and Pregnant? Now what if you are the teen who is pregnant, or you are the one responsible for getting your girlfriend pregnant? How do you tell your parents and family? If you were exposed to the reality of having a baby would you have maybe rethought your actions? New research shows that the hit TV show 16 and Pregnant just might be the key to aiding in the prevention teen pregnancy. MTV is known as an entertaining TV station and its shows have been entertaining viewers since 1981. MTVs hit show, 16 and Pregnant first aired in June of 2009 as a new twist to entertainment television. Geared towards teens, the shows popularity caused MTV to release a spin-off called Teen Mom. Teen Mom showcases four teen mothers, off of 16 and Pregnant, who continue their lives with the challenges of being teenage mother. 16 and Pregnant was an instant hit with teen viewers and has been a popular show since it aired last year. It is because of the label entertainers that MTVs new hit TV show 16 and Pregnant has come under public scrutiny. Critics and parents feel that 16 and Pregnant is glamorizing teen pregnancy This show should be defended against public scrutiny because it is proven to help influence teenagers in a positive way. 16 and Pregnant not only shows the hardships of teen pregnancy but also challenges teens to think about the risks of engaging in sexual activities. Hopefully, in the long run the number of teen and unplanned pregnancies will decrease as a result from of teen pregnancy related shows. The show became popular because it was directed to teens from teens.(need to clarify) Mike Rosst, a journalist for The National Campaign, states that the show shares the personal stories of teenage girls who are dealing with pregnancy and parents (Real Life Lessonsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦).   MTVs 16 and Pregnant is the first show of its kind on television. It hasnt been any longer than in the past five years that teen pregnancy hasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..not true been exposed as acceptable on TV. Not only has teen and unplanned pregnancy become more acceptable in society, it is now a pop-culture staple. Cathy Gulli proves this point by saying movies like Knocked Up and Waitress, and celebrity moms like Nicole Richie and Jessica Alba, are part of a trend thats sweeping teen cultureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Suddenly Teenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Womens Studies Professor at York University, Andrea OReilly, also agrees saying that as an idea, teen pregnancy is more socially accepted (Suddenly Teenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Gulli writes that even Greys Anatomy had a teen pregnancy storyline last year, and just last week so did Gossip Girl (Suddenly Teenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). For once a show is putting into perspective what being a teen mom is like by showing them [viewers] the true goings on of raising a child th rough the first few months, it also helps bring to light the unpleasant parts of pregnancy and childbirth ( Maji 16 and Pregnant). Since this show is about teens and trying to help its viewers, who are mostly teens, teens are able to relate. Ambriel Maji feels that the show portrayed the teen girls in many different lights (16 and Pregnant). Its because the show portrays girls from different parts of the country, different family settingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦some supportive and some not so much, and different beliefs which every teen can find something to connect with develop ideas further!!! Parents and other critics of the show have come to blame 16 and Pregnant for glamorizing teen pregnancy. They feel that it is wrong that these young teen mothers have become popular for being pregnant. Jo Piazza, writer of I Took a Nap and the Teen Moms Became Celebrities? wonders how she missed out on the moment that teenage moms turned into famous people (16 and Pregnant Sobering for Many Teens). If it werent for 16 and Pregnant these girls would just be ordinary teenage mothers. However, because of the show they are now in the lime light of pop culture. Since the teen mothers have become stars, critics feel that MTV is telling teenagers get pregnant and you too could have your own TV show (The Controversy). It is because of these factors that MTV is seen as glamorizing teen pregnancy. Since the producers of the show cram the stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and the first few months of parenting into one hour, how can the show, 16 and Pregnant, even be beneficial? 16 and Pregnant starts out with the soon-to-be teen mothers nearly ready to deliver the show, then displays twenty-some hours of labor in a few seconds of pencil animation (Lowry). The teen mother never talks about whether or not she considered abortion or how her parents reacted when they found out, the show just goes straight to the action (Lowry). How can teen viewers get the full idea of being a parent when MTV doesnt show the whole truth? Lastly, MTV is criticized for creating an acceptance of teen pregnancy. By creating a show about pregnant teens, the shows creators may be sending the message to teens that it isnt a big deal if they become pregnant. It is proven that teens are often influenced by TV. Actually, according to a study conducted by The National Campaign most teens (79% of girls and 67% of boys) say that when a TV show or character they like deals with teen pregnancy, it makes them think more about their own risk of getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy and how to avoid it (Teen Pregnancy). Parents feel that the popularity of 16 and Pregnant will allow teens to think that teen pregnancy is acceptable. The National Campaign states that research has found that the sexual content in media can influence teens attitudes about sex and contraception and may also influence their sexual behavior (The National Campaign). It is because of this statistic that MTV is teaming up with the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy to create viewing guides on 16 and Pregnant. The 16 and Pregnant viewing guides will hopefully allow parents and educators to start discussions with teens encouraging them to make the right decisions when dealing with their sexual health. These criticisms are all reasonable and valid to some extent. I do believe that the teen mothers on 16 and Pregnant are becoming famous due to their controversial pregnancies. If it werent for the show they would just be a group of 16-year-old girls who got pregnant. Along with becoming famous over being pregnant, 16 and Pregnant does not display to viewers everything that goes on when being pregnant. MTV crams the pregnancy, delivery, and aftermath all into an hour. How can a teen get the real idea when so much is left out? However, the majority of research done on this show proves that despite these criticisms, MTVs 16 and Pregnant is beneficial to its teenage audienceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.interpret the quotes First of all each episode takes an intimate look inside the challenges of being a pregnant teenager. Each episode starts out with a new teen mother starting from the second trimester and follows through the first few months of the babys life. Mike Rosst, writer for Pregnancy Pause, says that the show shares the personal stories of teenage girls who are dealing with pregnancy and parents (Real Life Lessons). Its because of how personal and intimate 16 and Pregnant is that MTV press writer Melissa Barreto, states in her article with statistics showing that three in ten girls in the U.S. will get pregnant before the age of 20, each episode will take and intimate look inside the challenges of being a pregnant teenager(MTV Press release). With statistics showing that 16 and Pregnant is beneficial to its teen viewers, the show could possibly be used as a new way of sex education. Barreto states that 79% of females and 67% of males, report that shows dealing with teen pregnancy make them think about their own risks of getting pregnant or causing pregnancy (MTV Press Release). With that high of a percentage of teenagers being influenced by the show why not try to use it as a way to influence teens to make the right decisions about sex? Barreto also says that in partnership with MTV, The National Campaign will continue to create viewing guides for each episode so educators, key organizations and individuals can use discussion around sexual health and pregnancy with teens(MTV Press Release). Cherly Wetzstein, writer for The Washington Times states that these stories are so heart-rending that one could make the argument that these are the best teen-pregnancy prevention public service announcements ever made' (qtd. Bill Albe rt) 16 and Pregnant can be used to decrease risky sexual behavior and promote healthier decisions among teens. Bill Albert, who is the chief program officer for The National Campaign, states in his article that 16 and Pregnant makes them [teens] think more about their own risk of getting pregnant or causing a pregnancy and how to avoid it (Is Media Glamorizingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). The National Campaign director of research, Katherine Suellentrop, writes in her article that research has found that sexual content in media can influence teens attitudes about sex and contraception and may also influence their sexual behavior which leads to her point that media might also have positive effects by, for example decreasing risky sexual behavior and promoting healthier decisions among teens (Evaluating the Impactà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). The major issue with this show is that it is criticized for glamorizing teen pregnancy but, Wetzstien states that 16 and Pregnant is gritty, not glamorous; sobering, not salacious (MTVs 16 and Pregnantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Rosst agrees with this statement by saying in his article that the show [16 and Pregnant] shows the hardships these girls go through every day and every step of the way through their entire pregnancy (Pregnancy Pause). Sonja Sharp, journalist for the MotherJones site, states that 16 and Pregnant shows the true cost of teen pregnancy, the aftermath in an up close and personal way (16 and Pregnantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dian Fossey Essay -- essays research papers

Dian Fossey Dian Fossey to me was a very mysterious, somewhat helpful and kind of troublemaking person. She seemed very adventurous and fun but she was also very serious. When it came to her job she was always serious. Dian Fossey studied gorillas. To me it is amazing how seriously she took that job. She did everything she could to protect those gorillas. I think the gorillas brought her happiness but also sadness, and other emotional problems. Dian Fossey lived up on a mountain by her self for a number of years. That begins to have an effect on you as well. It was very lonely up there on the mountain. She got a nickname rom her lifestyle, she was called "Nyirmachabelli", which means the woman who lives alone on the mountain. Poor Dian Fossey became an alcoholic up on that mountain. She also smoked three packs of cigarettes a day! I think those may have been the reasons of her constant mood swings and her unrational thinking. The unrational thinking also could be linked to her murder. You will hear some examples later on in this paper. Dian did not start out working with gorillas in the mountains of Rwanda. She first had an office job at the Kosair Crippled Childrens Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. I'm not really quite sure how Dian Fossey became interested in gorillas, but she did and thats all that really matters. The first time Dian ever saw a real mountain gorilla, was in a place called Kabara Meadow, with Joan and Alan Root. After that one special day, they were her friends from then on. Those two people i feel were important in her start with gorillas. Another person involved in her start with gorillas was a man by the name of Louis Leaky, the most eminent prehistorian of his genration. He was the man that gave Dian her start in Africa, after she convinced him of her determination. Louis Leakey believed that women were best suited emotionally and constitutionally for studying the great apes. It seems Dian was fit for the job, but not for some aspects of it. I think Dian became a little too attached to her g orillas. They became her family. The only ones she loved and cared for. She cared more about gorillas then she did Dian Fossey. Dian Fossey first arrived in Africa filled with drive and energy. She was completly unprepared for the demands of the job, but she did not give up, she kept on going strong. She first started studyin... ...fact he was grown up and now has to take his role in the family. He had to watch and protect his family from danger. One day, it happened. Digit was found dead with his body severly mangled. Dian was very angered and saddened by this and she felt she had to do more. She sent letters out to other places letting them know what was going on and when the funding stopped, she turned to her fame with gorillas to recieve money. And when she did, she started the Digit fund. A lot of money was put towards protecting the gorillas.This made the Rwandan government look bad by not contributing to the safety of their tourist attractions. After she found the poacher that killed Digit, thats when Rwanda definately wanted her out. She threatened to hang him and put his head in a noose, but she didn't. Then she brought it to the goverments attention that she wanted a death penalty for poaching. They now just saw her as crazy and wanted her to leave because they felt she is doing more damage than g ood. But on December 27, 1981, Dian Fossey was found murdered in her shack. No one knew why or who. But on her gravestone is engraved, "Nyirmachabelli", the women who lives alone on the mountain.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

EMT/Paramedic Essay

People’s lives often depend on the quick reaction and competent care of emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics. EMTs and paramedics provide this vital service as they care for and transport the sick or injured to a medical facility. In an emergency, EMTs and paramedics are typically dispatched by a 911 operator to the scene, where they often work with police and firefighters. while assessing the nature of the patients condition, they try to determine whether the patient has any pre-existing medical conditions. EMT workers work in a group such like one make sures the patient is okay while another drives and etc. At the medical facility, EMTs and paramedics help transfer patients to the emergency department, report their observations and actions to emergency department staff, and may provide additional emergency treatment. After each medical run, they have to document trip, replace used supplies, and check the equipment. EMTs and paramedics also provide transportation for patients from one medical facility to another, particularly if they work for private ambulance services Training: A high school diploma is usually required to enter an emergency medical technician training program Training is offered at progressive levels: EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedic. At the EMT-Basic level, coursework emphasizes emergency skills, such as managing respiratory, trauma, and cardiac emergencies, and patient assessment. Graduates of approved EMT-Basic training programs must pass a written and practical examination administered by the State licensing agency or the NREMT. He program provides instruction and practice in dealing with bleeding, fractures, airway obstruction, cardiac arrest, and emergency childbirth. Students learn how to use and maintain common emergency equipment, such as backboards, suction devices, splints, oxygen delivery systems, and stretchers. At the EMT-Intermediate level, training requirements vary by State. The nationally defined levels, EMT-Intermediate 1985 and EMT-Intermediate 1999, typically require 30 to 350 hours of training based on scope of practice. Students learn advanced skills such the use of advanced airway devices, intravenous fluids, and some medications. The most advanced level of training for this occupation is Paramedic. caregiver  receives training in anatomy and physiology as well as advanced medical skills. Most commonly, the training is conducted in community colleges and technical schools and may result in an associate’s degree. Employment Most career EMTs and paramedics work in metropolitan areas. Volunteer EMTs and paramedics are more common in small cities, towns, and rural areas. About 45 percent worked as employees of ambulance services. About 29 percent worked in local government. Another 20 percent worked in hospitals. Job Outlook Employment of emergency medical technicians and paramedics is expected to grow 9 percent between 2008 and 2018 which is average. As a large segment of the population—aging members of the baby boom generation—becomes more likely to have medical emergencies, demand will increase for EMTs and paramedics. employment of EMTs and paramedics is expected to grow by 33 percent from 2010 to 2020, much faster than the average for all occupations. Earnings Earnings of EMTs and Paramedics depend on the employment setting and geographic location of their jobs, as well as their training and experience. EMT average salary: $31,061 Paramedic average salary: $38,902 Schooling A High School diploma and completion of a training program is required. Employment Benefits: Choice of wide variety of health plans with family coverage, as well as prescription, dental and eyecare benefits 3 weeks vacation to start *(increases to 5 weeks after 8 years) Excellent pension benefits which include: 5 year pension vesting & full pension benefits after 25 years of service, regardless of age Excellent promotional opportunities Deferred compensation/401K and flexible spending plans.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Forty-Two

Elena, Stefan, and Damon headed toward Elena's dorm together, and tension thrummed sharply between them. Elena had taken Stefan's hand automatical y as they walked, and he had stiffened and then gradual y relaxed, so that now his hand felt natural in hers. Things weren't back the way they had been between them, not yet. But Stefan's green eyes were ful of a shy affection when they looked at her, and Elena knew she could make things right. Something had shifted in Stefan when Damon came to rescue him, when Elena untied him and told him how sorry she was. Maybe Stefan just needed to know that whatever was between her and Damon, he was first for her. No one was shutting him out. Elena unlocked her door, and they al went inside. It had been only a few hours since she was last there, but so much had happened that it seemed like somewhere from a long time ago, the posters and clothes and Bonnie's teddy bear al relics of a lost civilization. â€Å"Oh, Stefan,† Elena said, â€Å"I'm so glad that you're safe.† She reached out and wrapped her arms around him and, just like when she took his hand, he tensed for a moment before hugging her back. â€Å"I'm glad that both of you are safe,† she amended, and looked at Damon. His black eyes met hers cool y, and she knew that, without their having to discuss it, he understood that things weren't going to go on the way they had been. She loved Stefan. She had chosen. When Stefan told them of Ethan's plan to take both of the brothers' blood and use it to resurrect Klaus, she was horrified. Not just because of the danger Stefan had been in, or because of the terrifying idea of Klaus alive again, and no doubt vengeful against them, but because of the trap Ethan had laid for Damon. He had planned to take the best of Damon – the reluctant, often marred, but stil strong love he had for his brother – and use it to destroy him. â€Å"I'm eternal y glad you're both okay,† she said again, and reached out to hug Damon, too. Damon came into her arms wil ingly, but, as she squeezed him tightly, he winced. â€Å"What's wrong?† Elena asked, puzzled, and Damon frowned. â€Å"Ethan cut me,† he said, the frown turning into a grimace of pain. â€Å"I'm just a little sore.† He tugged at his shirt, fingering a torn edge, and pul ed it up, exposing a swath of pale taut skin. Against the white skin Elena saw the long cut was already healing. â€Å"It's nothing,† Damon said. He shot Elena a wicked smile. â€Å"A little drink from a wil ing donor and I'l be as good as new, I promise.† She shook her head at him reprovingly, but didn't answer. â€Å"Good night, Elena,† Stefan said, and brushed her cheek gently with the back of his hand. â€Å"Good morning, real y, I guess, but try to get some sleep.† â€Å"Are you going after the vampires?† she asked anxiously. â€Å"Be careful.† Damon laughed. â€Å"I'l make sure he takes care with the nasty vampires,† he said. â€Å"Poor Elena. Normal life isn't going so Well, is it?† Elena sighed. That was the problem, wasn't it? Damon would never understand why she wanted to be an ordinary person. He thought of her as his dark princess, wanted her to be like him, to be better than ordinary people. Stefan didn't think she was a dark princess; he thought she was a human being. But was she? She thought briefly of tel ing them about the Guardians and the secrets of her birth, but she just couldn't. Not right now. Not yet. Damon wouldn't know why it upset her. And Stefan was so pale and tired after his ordeal with the vervain-soaked ropes that she couldn't bring herself to burden him with her fears about the Guardians. As she thought this, Stefan staggered, just a fraction, and Damon reached out automatical y to steady him. â€Å"Thank you,† Stefan said, â€Å"For coming to save me. Both of you.† â€Å"I'l always save you, little brother,† Damon said, but he was looking at Elena, and she heard the echo of when he had said the same words to her. â€Å"Even though I might be better off without you,† Damon added. Stefan gave a tired smile. â€Å"Time to go,† he said. â€Å"I love you, Stefan.† Elena brushed her lips against his softly. Damon gave her a brief nod, his face neutral. â€Å"Sleep Well,† he said. Then the door was closed behind her, and Elena was alone. Her bed had never looked more comfortable or inviting, and she lay down with a sigh, looking up at the soft light that was beginning to break through the window. The Vitale Society was gone. Ethan's plan had been stopped. The campus was safer, and a new day was dawning. Stefan had forgiven her, and Damon didn't leave, didn't turn against them. It was, for now, the best she could hope for. Elena closed her eyes and fel wil ingly asleep at last. Tomorrow would be another day.